Immunisation History Statement

How to get an immunisation history statement

You can get your immunisation history statement straight away using either:

If you can’t use Medicare online, your vaccination provider can print your immunisation history statement for you.

You can also call the Australian Immunisation Register and ask us to send your immunisation history statement to you. It can take up to 14 days to arrive in the post.

If you’re getting an immunisation history for your child, they must be under 14.

If you’ve had a COVID-19 vaccination, you will see these recorded on your immunisation history statement. Read more about COVID-19 vaccines on the Australian Government website.

Children who are 14 or older

For privacy reasons, anyone aged 14 or older can get their own immunisation history statement. They can do this:

If your child is older than 14, you can get their immunisation history statement if you have their consent. You can call the AIR and ask us for a copy. Your child will need to speak to the service officer to verify their identity before we can do this. They’ll need to give their consent each time you ask for a copy of the statement.

People who aren’t eligible for Medicare

If you’re not eligible for Medicare, you can get your immunisation summary through My Health Record.